All Things intro
One of my favorite childhood memories is going to the Danbury Public Library with my mom and younger brother. Chris and I would excitedly pile into the car, whine loudly about who got to sit in the front seat, and then my mom would promptly announce that we would BOTH be sitting (and silently, at that) in the back. This would only deflate me temporarily, though. My brother and I would start talking animatedly about what we wanted to check out that day, and before we knew it, we'd be pulling into the library parking lot.
Now, I could go on and on about all the books I loved and still remember, but that's for another day. What's top of mind as I write this first post is actually something a little different...a very special aisle found in the cool, damp basement of the library, which held a massive collection of...musicals on VHS.
My mother LOVED musical theater, and she very strategically introduced me to it at an early age. I was instantly hooked. Sound of Music, Oklahoma, Music Man, My Fair Lady...I loved it ALL and played them on repeat. The dancing, costumes, and songs have all stayed with me. Just the other day, I caught myself humming "Wouldn't It Be Loverly" and channeling Eliza Doolittle.
Now, at first glance, the lyrics to this song are quite fun and quaint:
All I want is a room somewhere
Far away from the cold night air
With one enormous chair
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?
Lots of chocolate for me to eat
Lots of coal makin' lots of heat
Warm face, warm hands, warm feet
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?
Oh, so lovely sittin'
Abso-bloomin'-lutely still
I would never budge till spring
Crept over me window sill
Someone's head restin' on my knee
Warm and tender as he can be
Who takes good care of me
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?
Loverly, loverly, loverly, loverly
But there's also a wistful dreaminess to this classic from My Fair Lady, and you can sense Eliza's hopeful imagination coming through. Her circumstances are far from what she'd like them to be, but she dreams and hopes and wishes nonetheless for what's loverly.
Regardless of our circumstances, there is always something to dream about, hope for, and wish. There is always the possibility of focusing on the good, the beautiful, the wistful, and the imaginative. I don't know about you, but I find that I easily forget this. I unwittingly allow my circumstances to bend and shape my mood and outlook, and before I know it, there's a grey haze. This is my attempt at pushing back on that. Ever so gently at first, but definitely intentionally.
I hope to make this blog a little corner of the world where I can highlight and showcase the loverly. Where I can share the brave and beautiful people, places, and experiences that I come across. Where I can say a loud AMEN to those beauty creators and beauty appreciators who dare to live authentically. And in the process of focusing on all things loverly, my hope is that you would be inspired to do so as well. Let's dream, hope, and wish for the good, the beautiful, the wistful, and the imaginative.